
How to install RAMcloud on Ubuntu16.04

Introduce RAMCloud is a new class of super-high-speed storage for large-scale datacenter applications. It is designed for applications in which a large number of servers in a datacenter need low-latency access to a large durable datastore. RAMCloud offers the following properties: Project Link: RAMCloud Office Installing introduce: General Information for Developers I have written the shell script to install the RAMCloud on Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu18.04. If you want to build the RAMCloud as soon as possible, please fell free to use my repo on the github. Please read the file in the repo and know how to use the scripts to help you. Github repo Link: RAMCloud For Ubuntu16.04 Bitbucket repo Link: RAMCloud For Ubuntu16.04 If you have some issue with this script, please send email to me. I will reply it as soon as possible. In addtion, please read the next introduce about how to install Ramcloud by command if you want to understand each step to install RAMCloud.


前言 Bro是一款非常优秀的网络协议分析器。Bro里面的Binpac解析器可以很方便的让我们使用Binpac语言书写协议解析器,并通过Binpac转换成C++语言,这在使用中能够很大程度的减少开发时间,也可以避免手写容易考虑不全的问题。但是在使用Binpac之前,我们需要去了解Bro在处理网络数据包的时候的处理流程,能够方便我们在Binpac使用中去掉和Bro耦合的部分,生成我们需要的协议解析器的C++文件。

Complete your first analyzer - RIP in bro

Introduce The best way to understand the structure of the sources code is to write some modules by yourself. Let’s us to write an Analyzer in the Bro by Binpac. We choose RIP v2 to write the first protocol.

Ubuntu 16.04安装bro和Binpac

前言 Bro is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know. BinPAC is a high level language for describing protocol parsers and generates C++ code. It is currently maintained and distributed with the Bro Network Security Monitor distribution, however, the generated parsers may be used with other programs besides Bro.


前言 熟悉代码结构最好的方式,就是尝试自己去写一个模块加入到整个系统中,在调试代码的过程中,熟悉代码。