Cloud computing

Cloud computing Basic concepts 2

Exam_2 Review Questions. Approximately 60% of the exam will be derived from these questions. True or False: Users should store dynamic web content in S3. What advantage is there in

Cloud computing Basic concepts

Exam 1 Review Questions. Exam 1 will be derived from these questions. 注明:加粗的问题是考试的重点考试题目 Acronyms Expand each of the following acronyms of the following in the context of this class: AWS: Amazon Web Services AZ: Availablity Zone EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud S3: Sample Storage Service EBS: Elastic Block Store RDS: Relation Database Service NoSQL: No-relation SQL ELB: Elastic Load Balancing PAAS: Platform as a service HAAS: Hardware as a service IAAS: Infrastructure as a service SAAS: Software as a service CIDR: Classless inter-domain routing REST: Representational State Transfer SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol VPC: Virtual Private Cloud CTO: Chief Technology Officer CIO: Chief Information Officer AMI: Amazon Machine Image IAM: Identity and Access Management MFA: Multi-factor Authentication IOPS: I/O Operations per second ACL: Access Control List CLI: Command Line Interface SDK: Software Development Kit API: Application Interface JSON: JavaScript Object Notation